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Paper Folding - Triangular Box with Lid 2

by - 8:32 AM
Continue folding triangular box with lid 

Last step from  Paper Folding - Triangular Box with Lid part 1

Carefully align the edge and crease the paper firmly.
 Then tuck the excess at the end.
 Already hide the excess (in green circle)
Already fold one piece now, the left of picture is the corner.
Top edge is a wall and you will tuck another piece in the right.

Folding 3 pieces then put them together.
This is inside the box view.

Outside view.

To make a lid, create a square of paper larger and repeat all steps.

This sample box made from rather thin paper, so it 's not straight enough.

Another triangular box with lid  made from thicker paper.

You can choose your size and design your own !
Your Triangular Box with Lid

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