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How to Fold Square Box with Lid 1.

by - 4:44 AM
Folding "Square Box with Lid" step by step ,easy to made then fill small treasures or choose colored paper you prefer to fold as a gift box.

Square Box with Lid

Once I recieved one origami square box from my freind.
I successed to fold and also found new design cover by change proportion or the width of rim in some step. I hope you can test and design your own ! Have fun and please sharing.

How to Fold  Square Box with Lid
  • We must fold a square main box and a lid    
  • Prepare 4 square papers for the main box and another 4 for the lid, all the same size. 
  • Cut the papers for the box a little smaller than the lid for closing the lid when finished
This is the finished main box.

Choose any size any color as you prefer, I choose A4 for this tutorial.

No need the ruler! Just fold and cut it to a square paper.

If your paper is colorful, don't throw away.
You can also collect them to make another project such as

Woven Bracelet  from Milk Carton/Tetra Paks.
 but you can use papers instead. See DIY from link below.

Prepare 4 square sheets for the lid.
Then another 4 for the box but cut them smaller.

  Begin with a box.  
Fold it in half along its vertical middle to crease a centerline.

Open it.

Fold the top edge down to the centerline.

Fold in half again.

Creasing well.
Then unfold.
Fold to the right.

Open and notice the vertical centerline. 

 Fold the edge to the vertical centerline, creasing well.

Fold again.

Unfold and notice the creasing.

Folding right corner A. to B. as shown.
 Continue How to Fold  Square Box with Lid 2.  

You're welcome to use my content if you link back and credit
 D . I . Y . Done ! It 's Yours !: as the source. Thanks! 

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