How to weave fish from reused paper / straw / ribbon. by Jam - 8:11 PM How to weave fish from dried palm fronds, coconut leaves, reused paper , plastic strap, straw or ribbon from gifts . You can use old magazine pages or ribbon from gifts, too. Cut your paper to two strips 50 inches long and from 5 to 1 inch wide. (Width* 50 = Length ) Reuse two strips of the plastic strapping that holds boxes. Forming the first piece into a spiral. Take the second piece of plastic strap and lay into the first (left ->right) under and over as shown.. Take the second strap back and weave over #2, under#1 (Front) weave A. over #1, under #2 Take the left strip back, pass over #1 loop and pass into #2 loop. Gently pull each strip to tighten the weave. You can trim the tail and fins with scissors and you're done now. Or continue to weave more beautiful one here. looks like the design originated in Thailand with fish woven from coconut or palm leaves. (not too difficult) You can also see the beautiful and naturally weaven cyprinidae fish, the owner bought from Chatuchak Market, in Bangkok Thailand. (Many various crafts from dried palm fronds there) Share Tweet Pin Share Tags : How to weave, Palm Coconut leaf Bamboo, Reuse Paper or Cardboard, Reuse Plastic, Reuse Ribbon Newer Post Older Post View mobile version You May Also Like 2 comment
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