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DIY motorcycle from cheap lighter step-by-step 2.

by - 9:20 PM
How to make motorcycle from cheap lighter step-by-step 2.

Insert the white wick lid to make as the handle bar.
Trim it as you prefer.
Then make the hand grips.

Bend as you prefer...

  The electronic ignition – Used as the exhaust.

Decorate by the metal frame. 

Used the external thumb wheel  as the wheel.
D. I .Y.   
Done! It's Yours ! Lightercycles!

 My first Lightercycles !

Credit : "KHJANE" , Thaiairsoftgun
 How to make motorcycle from the cigarette lighter : Step-by-Step Video

and my  motorcycle with a sidecar... coming soon :P

You're welcome to use my content
 if you link back and credit
 D . I . Y . Done ! It 's Yours !: as the source. Thanks! 

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